With winter right around the corner, many of you might be wondering how best to store your electric bike long term. Storing your e-bike properly is important – but not difficult. And in today’s post, our team at Tru-Tension are here to break down everything you need to know about storing your e-bike so that you can get the best out of it.

Why Efficient E-Bike Storage is So Important

Unlike regular bikes, e-bikes have various electrical components to assist with propulsion, which, if exposed to the elements, could become permanently damaged. Naturally, these are all sealed and therefore it is perfectly safe to ride e-bikes in the rain. However, like any metal, the casings that protect your e-bike’s wiring, battery, and motor can suffer corrosive damage from prolonged exposure to moisture.

Proper e-bike storage is all about protecting your bike’s electrical components as much as possible, to ensure that what you paid for remains in good working condition for a long period of time. The number one rule, therefore, is to never store your e-bike outdoors under any circumstances.

Things to Consider When Storing Your E-Bike

Before you store your e-bike, there are a number of factors you need to consider. These include:

  • The climate you live and ride in. If you live in a wet or humid climate, then the threat of corrosion is that much greater. This also holds true if you live close to the coast, as there will be high levels of moisture in the air, which can increase the risk of rust development.
  • The length of time you plan to keep your e-bike in storage. Will you be using your bike within the next few days, or will you be leaving it in storage for an extended period of time? If the latter, then you need to make sure that you remove the battery from the frame and store it in a cool, dry place until you want to ride again.
  • Consulting your manufacturer’s manual to see what it recommends for optimal storage, as this can vary from model to model.
  • Assessing your battery. Does your e-bike have a lead acid battery or a lithium one? Both will need to be removed, partially charged, and stored in a cool, dry place during long-term storage. Lead acid batteries need to be tended more frequently, with it generally being recommended that you charge them every three months. Lithium batteries, on the other hand, only need to be charged every six months. They are, however, considered to be a fire risk. While the potential for a fire is very low, this risk should be given extra consideration- meaning that the need for a controlled temperature environment and an absence of nearby fire hazards is that much greater.

How to Store Your E-Bike Properly

As we mentioned earlier, the first rule of e-bike storage is not to leave it outside. Ideally, you want your bike in a cool, dry, airtight environment such as a garage or a house. Climate control is another important factor, with it generally being agreed that they should be kept in an area that stays between 0–20 °C (32–68 °F). Warm temperatures depreciate your battery, which should be charged between 30-70% before storage. You should avoid storing your e-bike in a place where the temperature fluctuates, such as an outdoor shed. Ensure that there are no leaks in the storage area and that it isn’t damp.

We also strongly recommend that you clean your e-bike before storing (and ideally, after each ride). This will ensure that you get the most out of what you’ve paid for, with your bike being able to operate at a high level for the longest possible period of time. Begin by inspecting your bike for any signs of corrosion or rust. E-bikes are designed to withstand rain, so a soft application of water is fine. However, you should refrain from cleaning it with pressurised water (such as a hose).

Once all of the dirt has been washed from your bike’s frame, be sure to wipe it down thoroughly with a dry cloth. Last – but certainly not least – make sure that you lubricate your chain. For this, we recommend our E-Bike Drivetrain Cleaner, a spray that’s specially designed to break down the oils, greases, and other contaminants on both in the inside and outside of your chain. It even applies a rust inhibitor to guard your chains and rings against future corrosion.

When it comes to the physical aspect of storing your e-bike, we recommend hanging it on a wall rack to save space. This will also ensure that its easily accessible for regular use. You could save more space by hanging it on a ceiling mount, but this can be dangerous if your bike is on the heavier side.

Read More: 6 Top Tips for Maintaining an Electric Bike

Reliable E-Bike Accessories from Tru-Tension

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and pristine condition of your e-bike, look no further than Tru-Tension! Our diverse range of high-quality e-bike accessories covers a rider’s every need. This is encapsulated no better than by our all-in-one E-Bike Maintenance Spray, designed to clean, lubricate, and protect your bike in one simple action. The spray is ideal for giving your bike a quick touch-up after a ride – and for loosening stiff or squeaky components.

For more information on our industry-leading biking products, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly staff today.

Read More: The Rise of the E-Bike

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